GitOps, OpenTofu and the New World of Infrastructure-as-Code Management

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With the rise of GitOps and cloud resources, managing infrastructure-as-code (IaC) has become increasingly normal in the enterprise. There is a need to balance ease of use for developers with governance and control. This has led Platform Engineers to build out standard, scalable solutions for their organizations.

Making the core open-source tools enterprise-ready can be a challenge for many platform engineering teams. It can be a struggle to meet the requirements of security scans and cost policies which don’t integrate well with other parts of the Software Development Lifecycle. This means that developers have to devote time and resources to build and maintain their IaC or rely upon a centralized team to execute infrastructure change requests which hampers the developer experience.

In this webinar, Eric Minick, Direct of DevOps Solutions and Uri Scheiner, General Manager & SVP at Harness will explore the common challenges with Infrastructure as Code Management (IaCM) as well as the potential solutions offered through Harness’ new IaCM solution which is built upon OpenTofu, a fork of Terraform that is open-source, community-driven, and managed by the Linux Foundation. This session will also include a live demonstration of Harness IaCM.

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Eric Minick-1

Eric Minick

Director of DevOps Solutions - Harness
Eric Minick is an internationally recognized expert in software delivery with experience in Continuous Delivery, DevOps, and Agile practices working as a developer, marketer, and product manager. Eric is the author of “Application Release and Deployment for Dummies” and is cited or acknowledged in the books “Continuous Integration,” “Agile Conversations,” and “Team Topologies.”
Martin Ansong-modified

Martin Ansong

Enterprise Solutions Engineer - Harness